All Saints'

Church of England Academy

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Dudley Class (Years 3 and 4)

Welcome to Dudley Class!


Our teacher is Miss Scarff and our teaching assistant is Mrs McLaughlin

Key Stage 2 Topic


Additional structured lessons

White Rose   Further maths activities and problem solving challenges.  Choose your year-group from the drop-down boxes (powerpoint available only).   


BBC Bitesize    New online learning materials for each day in all subjects, with videos, activities and puzzles.  Click on your year-group from the selection, then choose the desired subject area.  

Reading Inference and Writing


Additional English resources online

Spell zone  Interactive spelling games

Pobble365  Amazing English writing activities for every day of the year




Remember to practise your times-tables every day, a little bit at a time, in this order:


2x,  5x,  10x,  11x,  3x,  4x,  6x,  8x,  12x,  9x,  7x


Use these weblinks to help you learn your times-tables by heart to 12 x 12.


  • Doodle Keep visiting everyday
  • Mathsframe Multiplication Tables Check (change times tables and time), plus other games and activities
  • hitthebutton  Topmarks maths website, with plenty of times-tables games to do