All Saints'

Church of England Academy

Working together to care for each other

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School Values

The way in which we expect adults and children to care for each other is an important aspect of our school values and permeates our school organisation, curriculum and policies.


In addition to this practical structures are in place to teach these skills that lead to us becoming a school team that works together to care for each other.


Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


  • Within a Christian Framework at our ‘Green Leek Federation Schools’ we aim to challenge and support all pupils to enable them to develop their talents and achieve their potential.  All individuals are valued irrespective of ability, race, gender, culture or faith.
  • At our ‘Green Leek Federation Schools’ we aim to provide excellent teaching and stimulating learning experiences across a broad and balanced curriculum, within a happy, caring, inclusive and safe environment.
  • We aim to enable each child to develop the personal and social skills necessary for them to become independent, responsible, active participants in their community through partnerships with home, our parish churches, local neighbourhoods and the wider community.



  • Value yourself as a unique, special, talented person by always trying to do the best in whatever you do;
  • Value each other by treating everyone with care and respect through listening to people’s opinions, talking politely and treating everybody in the way we hope they will treat us;
  • Value our school by caring for our school building and outdoor environment, and the resources we share.

Education Sunday Prayer:
Dear God,

Thank you for our school and the people who look after us.

Thank you for giving us Jesus, our rock.

Our lives are like the pebbles of life. May you wash us clean with the water of life when we do wrong.

Thank you for the adults who help us learn as we walk through our education into our adult life

May you help us to grow more like yourself every day as we journey through the ups and downs of life.


Working Together to Care for Each Other

School Values

The way in which we expect adults and children to care for each other is an important aspect of our school values and permeates our school organisation, curriculum and policies.

In addition to this practical structures are in place to teach these skills that lead to us becoming a school team that works together to care for each other.



When children start school they are given a Year 5 buddy who supports them at breaktimes and at lunchtimes with those practical aspects of the day that can be quite challenging when you are 4 years old.


Peer Mediators

Our Year 6 children are all trained mediators. This enables them to support children to sustain and develop friendships and also develops skills that are useful as they move onto secondary school.


Mr M’s Pot of Gold

Each year  £50 is put in the pot and individuals or groups of children are invited to come up with an idea where they could use £50 to make a difference to the life of individuals, groups or our whole school.


Circle of Friends and Key to Friendship

Both these groups are previous winners of Mrs P’s Pot of Gold. Children organise crafts and board games for children to play at lunchtimes to support friends and to form  friendships.



The caring aspect of school life is recognised  through our ‘Catch ‘em Caring’ Awards and ‘Racing to Gold’ class courtesy award.


‘Glow Worm’ of the week is nominated by the children and thanked for bringing light into our lives in some way.
