Rewarding Achievement
At All Saints’ we believe that every child is a special person, has many talents and should recognise these and be proud of them. We wish to celebrate their achievements with them and their parents. We have developed a range of systems across the school, and in many subject areas, that are designed to motivate children, and to develop their self-esteem and confidence.
Parents are invited to an achievement assembly held every Friday afternoon from 2.30 until 3.15. This is an opportunity for the school to celebrate children's personal achievements from in and outside of school.
Children are awarded a range of certificates throughout the school year to recognise academic achievement, effort, behaviour and caring for others.
Foundation Stage: Stickers for academic achievement, effort, behaviour and caring for others that lead towards a series of 'Raising the Roof' certificates which culminate at the end of the year with the construction of a complete house
Key Stage 1: Stickers that lead towards 'Rainbow steps' certificates. As they reach the end of Key Stage One, they are awarded their pot of gold.
Key Stage 2: Children in Key Stage 2 are placed into a 'house' JUPITER, SATURN, EARTH or NEPTUNE
They receive house points through the week that lead towards bronze, silver, silver plus and gold certificates. A weekly total for each house is also collected in the achievement assembly.
Truly Brilliant: Each class teacher, on a weekly basis, nominate a child for a truly brilliant certificate which is also awarded in the achievement assembly.
Encouraging the development of literacy and numeracy skills
Important skills in literacy and numeracy underpin progress across the curriculum. We have developed a number of award systems to motivate children to recognise the importance of these skills and persevere to develop them.
Reading: From Year 2 to Year 6, the Reading Challenge is linked to the reading of school chosen texts. Children can become ‘Super Cool’, ‘Amazingly Wicked’ or ‘Mind Blowingly Brilliant.’ Once they are ‘Mind Blowingly Brilliant’ children move to the ‘Mission Impossible' and ultimately climb the ‘Perilous Pyramid.’
Handwriting: The transition from the correct formation of letters to fluent joined up handwriting is rewarded with certificates, a Stabilo pen and a fountain pen, as children move through the school.