We aim to use uniform suppliers that are good value for money and are affordable for parents.
Children within the school are able to use non-branded items to aid cost.
Within school we keep a supply of used uniform that is available for a donation. Where the academy are aware of families who are in need of additional support we are conscious to collect and offer uniform to them.
In school we positively encourage pupils to wear uniform so that they are appropriately and safely dressed for a wide range of activities, can share in the common aims and values of the school, and have a sense of belonging to the school community.
Uniform items with a school crest can only be purchased from School Trends and you can order these on the website:
Grey standard school trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafores (any style).
White polo shirt with a school crest.
Burgundy sweatshirt or sweatshirt cardigan with school crest.
Grey or white socks or tights.
Black shoes.
During the warmer months girls may wear blue and white striped or checked summer dresses in any style.
Craft Kit
Some activities in school can be messy. Parents are asked to provide children with some kind of apron or ‘coverall’. An old shirt or blouse worn back to front is very effective.
Games and PE Kit
For health reasons children must not wear the same clothes / footwear for PE and normal daily wear. We would appreciate it if parents ensure that pupils have the appropriate kit for PE, games and swimming lessons. If it is forgotten, parents will be telephoned and requested to bring it to school. If parents cannot be contacted, children will be provided with kit from school, which they will be asked to take home to wash and return as soon as possible.
If, for medical reasons, a child needs to miss a PE, Games or Swimming lesson, a letter is required from parents.
For Indoor PE
Black Shorts and gold T-shirt with school crest. Indoor PE is taken in bare feet unless there is evidence of Verruca infection.
For Outdoor Games
In addition to indoor kit all children will need PE shoes with elasticated fronts.
Key Stage 2
On colder days a tracksuit or sweatshirt and plain jogging bottoms may be worn.
Key Stage 2 pupils will require appropriate swimwear for lessons.
Notes on School Uniform
The advent of designer clothing for children, and especially designer sportswear and trainers, makes enforcement of the school dress-code even more important but also more difficult. In order to keep fashion competitiveness out of school we stress ‘plain and simple’ in the dress code and strongly discourage fashion brands and logos on any kind of sportswear. Football strips are not allowed for PE lessons.
Whilst we allow trainers as an alternative to plimsolls in Key Stage 2 outdoor games, they are unsuitable for indoor PE and, for reasons of expense and fashion outlined above, school does not allow trainers to be worn as ordinary daywear.
Naming Clothes
It is essential that all items of clothing are clearly marked with the child’s name to enable expensive and valued items to be returned to their owner.
Kit Bags
An old-fashioned pump bag is the cheapest and best for PE kit and Craft apron. This should remain in school on the child’s peg in the cloakroom. Pupils are asked to take home PE kit at half term intervals so items can be washed, checked and renamed if necessary.
Games kit should be brought to school on the appropriate day. We would appreciate children using the smallest bags possible since cloakroom space at All Saints’ is limited.
Jewellery and Personal Property
For safety reasons we discourage children wearing jewellery of any kind during the school day. Earrings are especially dangerous and children with pierced ears may only wear plain studs. This is particularly dangerous during PE. On days when children have PE, games or swimming we would appreciate all jewellery being removed before coming to school.
The wearing of make-up and nail varnish is strongly discouraged.
It can cause great distress and upset if possessions get lost or broken. We advise that money, jewellery, large toys and precious items are not brought to school. We cannot accept responsibility for the loss of valuables. There are times when children need to bring money to school for trips, swimming etc. Please ensure that this is sealed in an envelope, clearly marked with your child's name and the amount enclosed.